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What is the generic brand for lexapro and what is duloxetine reboxetine?' That's part of the problem with way this system of generic prescribing is set up. Because it's hard to tell what drug is generic. If you can't do that, then you've got these whole classifications without a specific brand name. The first thing I did when was out to meet people who had taken me to court was say, 'Hey, this is the question I don't think you had when went to court. What are the generic brands? Who makes them? Why aren't they known in Canada?' " And that got them to canada pharmacy coupon promo code say, 'What? There are 10 generics in Lexapro, and Reboxetine? Well, I didn't realize that. That's the first drug I heard that Lexapro and Reboxetine had generic competition. So what if I take Reboxetine and Lexapro at the same time? Should I take more Lexapro?' " "It takes two to tango." —The Rolling Stones When the news broke in August that Lexapro was being recalled in Canada, a chorus of voices sounded the alarm—from health agencies, consumers, and from physicians. By now, everyone knows that one of the most popular antidepressants is not safe for use when people are under age 18; that the antidepressant is not adequately tested for efficacy, toxicity, or side effects; and that there are so many different versions of Lexapro that even the Canadian pharmacists have trouble keeping track of them. Yet few had imagined that the drug was subject of so many legal battles—let alone much controversy on the Web and at highest levels of government. And then, when the news broke late last summer that Reboxetine had caused a major brain-disease outbreak in an 18-year-old teenager Texas, that was almost as surprising. "Whoa, wait, hold on, wait a minute," says Dr. Michael Grosso, a Toronto psychiatrist. "This is little more worrisome." The news that there had been at least 100 cases of the rare and is there a generic brand for lexapro serious brain-disease outbreak was released, just a few weeks before Reboxetine had been approved by Health Canada, which had approved the one generic in two-drug combo for the period when patient took Reboxetine with Lexapro. The new drug has yet to be marketed. But even now, according to drugstore pharmacies, the company that makes Lexapro has only Reboxetine available for sale as an interim measure while it works on a new generic. It is one of only a handful generic drugs in the U.S. that have been approved by Health Canada. Reboxetine is the only one that sold in Canada, which means that a lot people are taking Lexapro—perhaps millions. "You take these things, whether you understand them or not," says Dr. Grosso, who is on the faculty of Centre for Addiction and Mental Health who is also a physician-scientist in his late 60s. "You take things, you start to think about them at an unconscious level, and you don't want to believe that they aren't working. You think, 'Well, it's probably not much, because just what's on the label.' " A few months before Lexapro was pulled from the market because of outbreak, Grosso visited the centre in Toronto where he works, and asked his colleagues to share their thoughts about the latest legal wrangling. He'd been told they hadn't encountered the issue, he remembers, and was struck that even doctors at the top of their profession are often unaware that the system is dysfunctional and that it seems like no one cares. As a result,"I would say"
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